If you're looking to enhance your career or want to develop a new skill or expertise, consider the following benefits of volunteering in NASSTRAC:
- Gain incredible networking opportunities.
- Retain and sharpen existing skills.
- Develop new skills.
- Expand your horizons and explore new career options.
- Win satisfaction of knowing you are doing good and being
- involved in your profession.
- Increase your visibility.
- Get energized and feel renewed.
- Create the leader in you.
There are several opportunities to become engaged as a volunteer on any of these NASSTRAC committees:
The Education Committee develops professionally focused programs to meet the ongoing educational needs of members. This includes the annual conference, seminars and workshops designed to provide current transportation, logistics and supply chain information; offering facilities, when appropriate, for continuing education units by permitting students to earn credit hours by attending meetings; and acquiring and disseminating critical business information through newsletters, special advisories, Web site, and other communication channels.
The Advocacy Committee advocates the interests of members by taking action on logistics-related issues. This is done by assisting in the development of information on current developments; acting independently to cooperate with transportation executives, quasi-public bodies, legislative and governmental bodies and other responsible parties to promote the logistics interests of shipper members; and protecting shipper interests by initiating or intervening in proceedings before Federal and State tribunals, carrier organizations, agencies and the courts.
The Provider Relations Committee fosters fair dealings and relationships between members, logistics providers, and other suppliers to the shipping community that NASSTRAC serves. This is accomplished by integrating logistics providers and other suppliers into the content and presentation of NASSTRAC programs; providing a business format for members to meet with providers who can demonstrate their products and services; and offering a forum for the discussion and development of solutions.
If you are interested in joining a NASSTRAC Committee, complete the NASSTRAC Committee Form, and email it to Gail Rutkowski at [email protected].